On the Agent Dashboard, you will find:
- Date filter
Use the filter drop down menu to sort the scorecards by date range. - Tabs by scorecard type
Click through the scorecard tabs to see the dashboard for the different programs (eg. Premium Technical Support, Cloud) and campaigns (eg. Eastlink, Telus, Virgin Media) that you are associated with. - Flags
The red flag stands for critical failures whereas the yellow one stands for standard failures. You can click on the flag to check the score where a critical question was missed. - Your score and team score
My Score shows your average performance for the date range selected. Team Score shows your team’s average performance for the range. - Kudos
In the Kudos box, view how many kudos you have received from your team lead. The Events section shows who gave the kudos and when they gave it. - Trend graph
The trend graph plots the total score for the scorecards in the filtered date range. The dotted line represents the target and passing score which is 85% for all scorecards. You can click the nodes on the graph to access the full scorecards. - Sections, comments, and percentages
At the bottom of the dashboard, view your overall score percentage for each scorecard section. Click the speech bubble in the comment column to view the feedback you received
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