Refer to the following video tutorials on eComFax website.
Refer to the eComFax User Guides:
- SOHO User Guide
SMB User Guide
NOTE: The customer also has access to this User Guide by going to My Apps on the Marketplace and then clicking on the eComFax tile. On the home page of eComFax web portal, there is a link to download the User Guide.
Refer to the eComFax Partner Enablement Training, specifically the following:
- Pages 28 to 35 to understand how eComFax is ordered, provisioned and activated.
- Pages 36 to 42 for Porting information.
Background Information on eComFax
95% of customer support requests occur during initial activation and setup, and the majority of these are related to requests for porting existing fax numbers to the eComFax network. The section below provides some background on porting, and the steps and requirements to successfully complete a number port. This background is important to understand the response to many of the most common support questions.
“Porting” is the term used by carriers when a customer is changing service providers and wishes to retain their existing phone number. 80-90% of customers ordering eComFax have an existing fax number usually associated with an analog line provided by their current carrier.
These customers have the option to retain their existing fax number when switching to eComFax but they must submit an official “porting” request that will allow CWS to move that number from their existing carrier to the eComFax network.
When a customer successfully purchases eComFax on the Marketplace, they receive a Welcome email requesting that they go to their My Apps page and click on their eComFax tile. For this initial navigation to the eComFax web portal, they are navigated to an interface that asks if they want a new number or wish to port an existing number.
See the User Guides for details.
- SOHO User Guide: Sections 4.1 to 4.3
- SMB User Guide: Sections 4.1 to 4.3
New Numbers
For new numbers, the eComFax web portal provides a drop-down option with a list of area codes from which the customer can choose and a number from that area code is immediately assigned by eComFax. For these requests, eComFax is immediately activated and available for use.
Port Existing Number
When customers select the User your current fax number option, they will need to fill out a Letter of Authorization (LOA) to port their number from their current carrier to the eComFax network, provide a copy of their last month’s bill associated with the number they want ported, and electronically sign their porting request. If this final step is not completed, CWS is unable to initiate the port request.
Once the port request is complete and the appropriate documentation is successfully collected, CWS initiates the port request, which takes approximately 7-10 business days.
NOTE: Porting requests require exact documentation or the port will be rejected by the existing carrier. Common errors include the signing party of the LOA as not being the “authorized” signing authority or incorrect or incomplete billing number provided. CWS will communicate directly with the end user when these issues arise. The notes will be available on status / issues in the eComFax admin portal.
For new orders associated with port requests, the end user can immediately begin sending faxes using eComFax but incoming fax transmissions will continue to be received on their existing fax equipment until the port is complete.
Throughout the porting process, the customer is sent a series of emails by CWS informing them about the update and the port status as well as acknowledging the successful port completion.
eComFax subscriptions include an allotment of “credits” on a monthly basis that are consumed when sending / receiving regular faxes within North America and to take advantage of enhanced features such as international faxing, longer on-line storage, or the “Certifax” option for sending. See the eComFax Product Solutioning Training document for more details about credits.
Email Communications from CWS to End Users
CWS sends a variety of emails to the customer associated with activation and port requests / status. Refer to the eComFax Customer Onboarding Training Deck to see what these emails look like. Normal deployment for emails automatically generated is as follows:
Confirmation of purchase
- AppDirect generated, standard confirmation of purchase note.
Request to activate eComFax
- AppDirect generated.
- Instructs the customer to go to “My Apps” on the Marketplace and click on eComFax tile to select a new number(s) or request port of existing number.
Confirmation of port request
- CWS generated.
Port status updates
- CWS generated.
Port completion
- CWS generated.
In the event of issues with a port request, the customer may receive an email directly from
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